October 15, 2024

These Are My Peeps –

These Are My Peeps -
I finished the binding/sleeve/label on Waterford.
And then I pulled out hexies – I just didn’t want to dive into machine piecing.  I wanted the quiet of handwork and just being part of conversations.

These Are My Peeps -
This took most of the day just to add the aqua hexies around my center motif.

These Are My Peeps -
And finally – two sections joined.
This has been my travel project for the last several years, though I didn’t travel for 3 years during Covid and it sat and sat.  It’s just been the past year that I’ve been working on it as a travel project again.
In preparation for heading to my Dad’s in November I think I’ll be kitting up the aquas with enough to go around the motifs I’ve already made and have them in sets ready to grab and go. They will also be going with me in December to England, and in January to Australia. 
These kinds of projects have no deadline – just work on them as I can and they will get done eventually.
The Muddy Creek Misfits all headed home yesterday.  Their retreat time flew by so fast, but Lisa is off today to Raleigh to judge their quilt show, and everyone had work/life stuff to do.
Today?  Back to desk work for me.  It’s a Monday like any other.
How was your weekend?
These Are My Peeps -

Quiltville Quote of the Day –
I know the thing I’m searching for has got to be around here somewhere. ⁣
I just saw it yesterday. ⁣
Can I find it? Nope!
It will turn up – eventually.
Have a marvelous Monday, everyone!

These Are My Peeps -