September 16, 2024

The Gang’s All In!

The Gang's All In!
The Gang's All In!
I arrived at Quiltville Inn yesterday morning (at 47 degrees!) to find that it was too chilly outside for breakfast on the porch….so after months and months of glorious porch time, at least for now breakfasts are now inside!
Never fear – afternoon on the porch is lovely.  We are in the best part of life in the Blue Ridge Mountains…afternoons are balmy and birds still chirp cicadas still sing.  Just the mornings are crisp enough to have us gathering where it is a bit more cozy.

The Gang's All In!
But by noon?  They are out here stitching –
Or ripping, as the case may be.

The Gang's All In!
As I head back into the house, I spy a Christmas quilt that someone has laid out on the dining room table.

The Gang's All In!
The Santas are exquisite! No pattern info.
It must be September…I’m actually not all that put off by holiday projects this time of year.  LOL!

The Gang's All In!
String quilts are happening!  This one is called either Streak of lightning, or Lightning Bolt.
No other pattern info.

The Gang's All In!
Terry has been busy with her Firefly quilt…and one of them is a bee incognito! Cute!

The Gang's All In!
Pattern info.

The Gang's All In!
I feel fall happening here!
The Gang's All In!
Pattern info.

The Gang's All In!
This hexie temperature quilt top is nearing a finish!  No pattern given.

The Gang's All In!
This looks amazing…no pattern info.

The Gang's All In!
I made a break away from the inn at 4pm to drive with some friends down to The Depot in Dobson to celebrate the 75th birthday of our friend Phil.
The Gang's All In!
Good friends, good food, good fun!
(And photo bombers in the room beyond.  LOL!)
The Gang's All In!
All of the fall decor is out.  Just get a look at these pumpkins in the old truck!

The Gang's All In!
It turned into a right old photo op.

The Gang's All In!
And things got mighty silly….because, why not?
And if Cindy and I could do it….

The Gang's All In!
So could Hubster Dave and John.

The Gang's All In!
And birthday boy Phil, and of course….John!
We are never too old to stop having fun out with friends. 
The food was great….way too much….and we enjoyed the rest of the evening just sitting around the fire pit at Cindy & John’s until it was time to come home.
So here we are at Friday.  What’s up on deck in your world?
The Gang's All In!
No coupon needed!

Pull out all of those favorite fall colored scraps, strips, and strings! These beautiful leaves float on a background of stormy cloudy grey and warm vanilla custard cream!

Quilt finishes at 56 1/2” x 56 1/2” square.

I’ll leave the price drop in place through September.

Have you started one that you haven’t finished?  Maybe September is a good time to pull it out and finish it up!

The Gang's All In!

Quiltville Quote of the Day –

It seems there’s an upside to all of the ripping out I am doing.

Happy Friday, everyone!

The Gang's All In!