September 17, 2024

Runaway Day –

Runaway Day -
Runaway Day -
I’m putting something quilty at the top here –
Because this is really where I want to be spending my time.
My blue strip drawer is a pain to open.  And a bigger pain to shut.  There are just too many strips and it’s time to whittle them down a bit.
This time I’m being a bit judicious and only using dark blues.
These strips have got to find a better place to live than in the depths of the blue strip drawer.
I’m now on a mission.

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Runaway Day -
I need a lot of variety for what I’m doing.  And no, this is NOT the mystery.  This just another wild hare tile floor inspired thing.
Remember when I said I needed to locate all of my photos taken of tile floors and put them in one folder?  I started doing that.  It also included tile ceilings, tile wall patterns – you name it.  It’s in there.
I can hardly wait to get back to this.
But in the mean time – this is what turned my yesterday into a completely runaway day.
Hubster Dave mentioned he had a dentist appointment in Jefferson at 1pm.  I asked if I could come along for the ride.  The dentist is right next door to CVS and I really needed to get my covid and flu shots done before leaving for Kenya on the 13th.
I checked and made an appointment via the app for 12:30.  Perfect.
We headed over to the inn where I was starting in on laundry and getting things ready for today’s group arrival – and the canvas on all three ironing stations gave way.  After nearly 5 full seasons of retreats the heat from all of the ironing and pressing just finally had the canvas fabric giving way.
The freezer paper I put on top and change out every retreat has helped things to last – but eventually cotton fabric just disintegrates.
Which meant – while waiting for Hubster Dave to finish at the dentist I could run over to Lowes and get some extra strength velcro we use to fasten the pressing boards to their stations.
We were on a roll and I was sure we would have these done and in place within an hour –
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Two shots done and off my to-do list.  YAY!

Runaway Day -

The canvas I am using is from 100% cotton duck cloth that came in the form of a painter’s drop cloth.
If doing this – make sure yours is 100% cotton.  Some are a poly blend which wouldn’t matter for paint, but for pressing surfaces, it does.
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This is the canvas drop cloth I have used – am using – as it is 9′ X 12′ and there is so much fabric in it!
Direct link HERE. #ad
We are not removing the old layer, just adding a new one to it so the batting and old fabric are staying there. 
I am using the remainder of what was left after the first covering, and there is STILL a lot left for a third covering when we need it.
We finished one – and then promptly ran out of staples.  AUUGHHH!
Had I known we would run short I would have picked them up at Lowes while there – 
So let’s just say that last evening was also cut short by another trip to town to grab more staples so we can finish today and get the new pressing stations set back up.
All of this running to town also means that there are still a few loads of laundry that didn’t get done.
And by the time we were back home for the evening I felt totally wiped out and non-functional.
Have you had these kind of runaway days, too?  I had planned on accomplishing so much.
Evidently the universe had other ideas.  LOL!
Runaway Day -

And don’t worry – there is also this going on behind the scenes.
Runaway Day -
No coupon needed!

Pull out all of those favorite fall colored scraps, strips, and strings! These beautiful leaves float on a background of stormy cloudy grey and warm vanilla custard cream!

Quilt finishes at 56 1/2” x 56 1/2” square.

I’ll leave the price drop in place through September.

Have you started one that you haven’t finished?  Maybe September is a good time to pull it out and finish it up!

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Quiltville Quote of the Day –
Creativity doesn’t come with a road map or instructions. ⁣
Be brave enough to dive in and discover what you can do!
Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!

Runaway Day -