September 17, 2024

Over The Porch Rail Explosion!

Over The Porch Rail Explosion!
Over The Porch Rail Explosion!

We couldn’t tell if the rain was moving in, or moving on by – but we hurried on up yesterday late afternoon and filled the porch to the gills with so many beautiful quilts!

These ladies have worked tirelessly – but there was still time for some quilt shop hopping, a run or two to the grocery store, fabulous meals, time on the porch – 

And I even heard there was time for sleeping – though it doesn’t look like much sleep was happening!

The September Quiltvillians are on their way home today – but they sure left us with a fantastic send off for the time they spent here!

Over The Porch Rail Explosion!

Kathy’s long-term hexie project is finally at the assembly stage. She says it will be done, quilted and bound by this time next year.  I hope she brings it back to show us.  I love all of the fussy cut prints in it!
Over The Porch Rail Explosion!
Another cute cute owl panel finish!
Over The Porch Rail Explosion!
Modeling a jacket in progress!
Over The Porch Rail Explosion!
Just in time for the onset of sweater weather!
Over The Porch Rail Explosion!
For those asking about Jen’s bear pattern from yesterday’s post: It’s Simplicity It’s So Easy A2115 which I am told is out of print, but you can perhaps find one on Ebay or Etsy.
Over The Porch Rail Explosion!
Tula Tallulah Lou – now at the front door waiting for us to come out and do the over the porch rail business.  Hahahaha!  She is so funny.
Over The Porch Rail Explosion!
Completed baby quilts including a rail fence on the left, followed by Kathy’s string quilt, and HALF of her quilt top she has been working on this entire time.  Hopefully this quilt will come back next year so we can see the finish!
Over The Porch Rail Explosion!
A glorious Judy Niemeyer top finish – and yes, all of those dots are hand appliqued!! What a beauty!
Over The Porch Rail Explosion!

Over The Porch Rail Explosion!
Two matching heart quilts both made by two friends!
Over The Porch Rail Explosion!
Streak of lightening baby quilt, tumbling blocks variation, Rick Rack Nines from Adventures With Leaders & Enders  and two fun tops from GE Designs. We filled that porch rail full!
So full that we had some extras that there was no room for in the line up:
Over The Porch Rail Explosion!
She said this one is going on her bed right after the holidays while she waits for spring to arrive.  Eternal optimism.  Love it!
Over The Porch Rail Explosion!
Oopsie Daisie has been renamed Dizzy Daisy!  It was a group project, everyone making blocks, only when they came together some where going this way, some were spinning that way, and they made a happy scrappy giggly quilt.  Yep.  I get it!  This is how I roll, too!

Over The Porch Rail Explosion!
It was a marvelous week!  

Over The Porch Rail Explosion!

See you next September, ladies!

Over The Porch Rail Explosion!

Hand quilting fans.

I’m still coughing up my lungs, though there is really nothing left to cough. So mostly I’m staying fairly quiet and doing my best to get over this thing. I’d say I’m 70% better. And losing patience with it.

Over The Porch Rail Explosion!

But Zoey keeps me entertained as I stitch in my comfy spot!

It’s a quiet day of doing laundry, of flipping the house to get it ready for Susan’s Retreat Group arriving on Wednesday.
And here we go again…..
Over The Porch Rail Explosion!

Quiltville Quote of the Day –
Don’t give up on your daydreams! ⁣
Have you made one?
Its Tuesday – what will you do with it?

Over The Porch Rail Explosion!