October 15, 2024

Look What I Can See!

Look What I Can See!
Look What I Can See!
I took this photo last evening as we returned from a trip to town.
The objective was to get Hubster Dave out of the house and relieve his boredom.
I get it.  I remember well the time I broke my foot and was laid up for a while non-weight-bearing.
And then there was the time I twisted my knee in Vietnam and managed to fly home in a full leg brace…fun times!
Now it’s his turn.
But I digress.  We have now lost enough leaves that I can see those ridges past the edge of our yard – and more mountain views are appearing to the east as things thin out more.
Quite a bit of leaves were lost during Helene – and my hopes for a pretty and colorful autumn show just may not happen.
It seems that the leaves that managed to stay attached during the storm are now just letting go without turning much color at all.
Look What I Can See!

Who’s that we see on the tractor?  You really can’t keep a good man down.

Son Jeff, in all of his helpfulness had left the tractor in a spot that was making parking a bit difficult for my arriving quilters.
I went home, grabbed Dave, brought him back to move the tractor (I have never driven it and now is not the time!) and he was able to maneuver it out of the way.  It was good for him to do SOMETHING.  Anything – rather than the sitting around he’s been doing.
We even got him to spray down the rollup blinds at the back of the porch with some stuff to keep the stink bugs and mud daubers from nesting in the rolled up blinds.
I had unrolled them yesterday afternoon to shade the porch only to find them full of bugs. Yuck. 
Dave to the rescue – just give him things that he CAN do.  He needs something to do.
This next photo comes with a warning.  I didn’t post any photos of his head injury when it happened.  But now that it is mostly healed and the staples are out – I think you can get a good idea of what kind of bad place we were in when he got hit by the tree.  Scroll fast if you don’t want to see it.