A Bit of Phillip’s Island!

From the hot Australian Outback to the windy coastline of Phillip Island –
I’m still going through photos and making video collages. We saw SO MUCH STUFF!
My favorite part of all? Being outside in nature.
We had traveled on a day trip out of Melbourne to beautiful Phillip Island, a nature sanctuary with a beautiful coastline and incredible wildlife.
Home to the Little Penguins, idyllic beaches, captivating coastlines, unique wildlife, family fun activities and world-class events,
It really did feel like the edge of the world down here.
Check out that water color!
And I had some fun walking companions!
And yes – it was super windy, which is reflected in my little video montage. Sorry about that – nothing I could do about it. Besides, it gives you a bit of our full experience. Click to Play:
From The Nobbies to Pyramid Point.
Phillip island has an amazing coastline.
And yes – there are wallabies!
(Little blurry – taken from the bus window.)
The sky at sunset – we were waiting for darkness to come…..bringing in the world’s smallest penguins!
All us is. In the wind. Waiting!
Cameras were not allowed but we did get a QR code to direct us to the gallery where photos were posted.
It’s important not to even take a cell photo without flash as the light from the screen can deter them from coming up on shore to feed their babies in the dunes.
Cute cute cute!
They come out of the ocean, right up on shore, run across the sand, up into the dunes to their burrows and you can hear the peep peep peep all around.
Here’s a YouTube vide. Click to Play:

Back home in reality – this is exciting too.
Even just a month away from hand quilting can allow quilting callouses to soften down, so I’m back to working on the hand quilting of my Abbeygate quilt.
I’ve turned another corner and am now working up the 3rd side….getting close to the time when I’ll be able to trim up the batting and backing margins and get the binding and sleeve on.
One round of evening stitching at a time will get me there!
You can also enter the Gift-Away on THAT POST.
Retreats start TOMORROW! Much to do today to get ready –
What are you up to?
Quiltville Quote of the Day –
You know how they say lessons will keep repeating themselves until you learn them?
Keep your eye on your bobbins, everyone! Catch them in the act of running out!
Have a terrific Tuesday –